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Business Analysis Part I Ford Motor Company Essays

Business Analysis Part I Ford Motor Company Essays Business Analysis Part I Ford Motor Company Essay Business Analysis Part I Ford Mot...

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Definition Of Abnormality, Classification Systems And...

Definition of abnormality, classification systems and demographics of psychological disorders The poster is going to outline the definition of abnormality and describe two diagnostic classification systems whilst referencing the diagnostic criteria for Schizophrenia and an overlook of its subtype catatonic schizophrenia. An analysis of the validity, reliability, practicalities and ethical issues will be covered when referring to the diagnostic classification systems and lastly the demographics and statistics surrounding schizophrenia with reference to age, gender and ethnicity will be thoroughly examined Statistical Infrequency By using the statistical infrequency definition, a person’s way of thinking or behaviour is classified as abnormal if it is statistically unusual amongst a selected society. With this definition it is very important to decide how statistically rare a behaviour or trait is before it is classified as abnormal. For example a person who has a higher IQ level than the society’s average is then classified as abnormal but contrary to this a person would be highly regarded for their intelligence, this is due to the method failing to identify the appeal of that certain trait (Cardwell, Clark and Meldrum, 2008). As mentioned the definition ignores desirability of some behaviours and traits, it also does not take in to account of cultural differences and it is not clear by how much a behaviour should deviate from what’s normal for it to be considered abnormalShow MoreRelatedCbt for Psychosis4494 Words   |  18 Pages1900’s there was a shift in the perception of psychosis and possible psychological processes contributing to psychotic experiences. Bentall (1993) further supported this by writing about understanding psychotic symptoms based on an individuals’ presenting distress/ difficulties rather than focusing on a medical model of psychosis treatment. 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Printed in the United States of America This book is printed on acid-free paperRead MorePsy Evaluation Essay11057 Words   |  45 Pagesdiagnose substance use disorder: A. tolerance B.unsuccessful attempts to control or reduce consumption C. nervous facial tics D. withdrawal problems ANS:C PG4 5. In the boxed reading, â€Å"Social Work Major Working in a Casino,† the author describes A. her gambling addiction problems. B. examples of people winning lots of money. C. close surveillance of employees. D. advantages of playing black jack. ANS:C PG6-7 6. 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